Err. Nope. Not the squishy surgery sweets often found floating in hot chocolate  – we mean Marshmallow Root (Althaea Officinalis). Interestingly enough though that’s where the sweet got its name from, because at one time they were made from the herb. And, if I tell you about the properties of the herb you’ll see why that’s not so much a stretch of the imagination.

Marshmallow is a soothing herb mainly down to what we herbologists call a ‘high mucilage’ content. It is both demulcent (soothing on the mucus membranes inside the body) and emollient (soothing to inflamed skin on the outside) and to be blunt, its healing properties are unsurpassed when it comes to skin and hair care.

Here’s why we think it is a heavenly herb worth praising:

It contains high levels of nutrients that the body needs like calcium, magnesium and vitamin A.

It has anti-inflammatory effects making it perfect for conditions like eczema, rosacea and dermatitis but it will also help to reduce common conditions associated with puffiness, like bags, too.

Marshmallow attracts water into dry tissues, making it very useful for people with dry, damaged or mature skin. This results in a softening and plumping effect that helps soothe out fine lines and impacts on wrinkles.

Research has shown that marshmallow is capable of speeding up cell regeneration and boosting immunity at the cellular level.

Marshmallow prevents hyaluronic acid and other muco-polysaccharides in the connective tissue from being degraded, giving better moisture levels in the skin and reducing the signs of skin ageing.

It has antioxidant properties, which are useful in fighting skin degeneration and free radicals.

In helps to reduce skin pigmentation and evens out the complexion.

It’s a great conditioner for the hair too  – it helps prevent tangles and knots and due to its high level of proteins it can aid in hair growth and bring a healthy shine to your locks.

So, in short don’t go dunking your face in your hot chocolate, that’s not going to work. Instead look out for a skincare product that contains marshmallow – or even better grab yourself a Bee Lush, Fresh Faced or Bee Restored because in our mind it’s one of the herbs your skincare shouldn’t be without.

