

Are your products GMO free?

Why yes they are. Currently we do not formulate with Vitamin E or Tocopherol since the majority of these  Vitamin E sources are soy based and since 93% of the Soy that is produced is GMO, we prefer to get our Vitamin E from natural plant sources.


Are your products vegan?

All of our products are vegan with the exception of Bee Clear, Bee Lush and Bee Restored. This is because both of these products contain raw, organic sustainable Bee Pollen sourced from small scale bee keepers.

We do appreciate that as it is collected by another animal (bees), there does exist the possibility of human-abuse of those animals so our supplier has gone to great lengths to ensure that the Bee Pollen is 100% ethically and sustainably sourced. We are also very cognisant that bee populations globally have been declining, and the bee keeping industry is vital in increasing those populations.

Is your Bee Pollen sustainably produced?

Yes. The raw, organic sustainable Bee Pollen that we use is sourced from small scale bee keepers. We do appreciate that as it is collected by another animal (bees), there does exist the possibility of human-abuse of those animals so our supplier has gone to great lengths to ensure that the Bee Pollen is 100% ethically and sustainably sourced. We are also very cognisant that bee populations globally have been declining, and the bee keeping industry is vital in increasing those populations. For more information on the subject, we recommend viewing this documentary.


Do you test on animals?

Hell no, like a 100 million times no. We only test on willing human guinea pigs and if you’d like to get involved let us know.

What does natural mean?

We’re so glad you asked. You can take comfort in the fact that all of our products are 100% NATURAL meaning they are free from chemicals, mineral oil, petroleum, sulphates, parabens, PEGs, GMOs, palm oil, synthetic perfumes & fragrances.

We appreciate that this is a consumer minefield as just because something is organic, it doesn’t mean it’s natural and of course just because something claims to be natural it doesn’t mean that it is. Believe us when we say we are just as frustrated as you are, but then that’s why we got into this game in the first place and we’re very pleased to meet you.


I have sensitive skin, can I use your products?

Yes, Yes, Yes! Our skincare is all natural so it’s free from those chemicals that are known to aggravate the skin, plus they have all been formulated with the most of sensitive skin types in mind. So you’re all good.

How do I tell what skin type I am?

The best way to find out is to cleanse your skin at night but don’t apply anything else (I know, I know work with us on this). Then when you wake up in the morning, fresh as a daisy. Check your face and see where you are at…
  • If your skin is oily, then there’s no prize in guessing you most likely have oily skin.
  • If your skin feels normal or it is somewhere in between  – i.e. perhaps with some oil to the T-Zone area you are normal/combination.
  • And of course if your skin feels dry, or is flaky anywhere, then we’d consider you to have a dry skin type and you should get some good stuff on the go.


Do you have samples?

Yes we do. We carry a range of Sage Minis so you can try before you full-size buy. These wee babies still pack all the skincare punch you need and make for handy travel or handbag sizes too.

Do I need to keep my skincare in the fridge?

Nope! However, it’s important to note that whilst they don’t need to be kept in the fridge, they do have a shelf life. Unopened they are safe from microbes and baddies for up to 1 year, but once you’ve opened them we recommend that you use them within six months (but to be honest they smell so good we doubt they’ll hang around that long). To get the most out of your Sage skincare we recommend that you keep the products cool and out of direct sunlight, store with the lid on and avoid getting water in them. For more information have a gander here.

Why are your products packaged in glass?

In order to preserve the goodies inside we package all Sage products in amber glass because it helps to filter out blue and ultraviolet light which preserves the contents for a longer period of time. Glass is also easier to recycle than plastic.

Why do your products have expiration dates?

All of our products are herbalist formulated and do not contain nasty chemical preservatives because of this we recommended shelf lives to ensure our products are as fresh as possible and you get the maximum benefits to your skin. Once opened we recommend that you use them within six months – but this is pretty much an industry standard regardless of whether you are using natural products or not.


How long do your Sage Mini Travel kits last?

Good question  –  but generally it depends on how liberally you are applying them most people get 2-4 weeks use out of them though.

Help! I don’t know what products I need?

Woah don’t panic cowgirls and boys – drop us an email and we’ll answer all your damn fine questions.

I want to buy a gift but I’m not sure what to get?

All good, we’ve got your back. Get one of our gift vouchers  – we’ll even gift wrap it and add a message of your choice for you.

Where do I find instructions on how to use the products?

At the bottom of each individual product listing in our shop you’ll find a product description section everything you need to know is in there – well nearly everything, we haven’t solved all the mysteries of the universe just yet.



What is your shipping policy?

Glad you asked. Have a goosey gander here. And, if that doesn’t satisfy your shipping desires drop us a line and say hello –  we’ll happily answer your questions.

What is your returns policy?

Never fear, we are happy to make a full refund if for any reason your skincare is proven to be faulty on arrival, have a look at our returns policy here and get in touch.